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Caribbean Karate Open

2 August 2022

The client :The Karate League of Martinique

The Karate League of Martinique has more than 1,400 members and 40 clubs spread over 19 of the 34 communes of the Martinique territory. It organizes events such as the Caribbean Karate Open (Open K), the Matinik Karate Tour, Karate at School etc.

Open de la Caraïbe de Karaté

Crédit photo : Loïc Leguern

Open de la Caraïbe de Karaté

Crédit photo : Loïc Leguern

The challenge: To co-organize the 8th edition of the Open K

The league has commissioned HEALE to co-organize the 8th edition of the Open K. On May 21st 2022, several French and foreign delegations were present at the Louis-Achille Stadium for the occasion.

The agency had for objective to mark the spirits by realizing a sporting event of quality after two years of absences due to the sanitary context, while giving to this Caribbean competition a new dimension.

Open de la Caraïbe de Karaté

Crédit photo : Loïc Leguern

The solution: Reorganization of the event

To meet this challenge, HEALE proposed to the league a reorganization of the event. An impactful communication campaign and effective tools have been put in place:

  • 22 TV spots on the ViàATV television channel
  • 154 radio spots on the 4 radio stations with the largest audience in Martinique (RCI, Martinique la 1ère, NRJ, Trace FM)
  • 1 poster of more than 2 meters on the main entrance of the Louis-Achille Stadium
  • 20 spots on all the screens of the Madiana cinema


New present:

  • “Open K Village” composed of 100% local companies
  • Photobooth with an “Open K22” background for the public
  • Contests with partner gifts to win